FAR Staking Rewards

Stake FAR, Earn FAR

When you stake FAR, you also earn additional FAR on top of the trading fee rewards received in NEAR. Staked FAR tokens are auto-compounded for users that wish to just leave their FAR tokens staked.

Far Token Allocation

FAR staking rewards will be earned over 4 phases with differing reward rates, based on a schedule of 24 hours per day.

PhaseLengthFAR Per HourFAR Per Day


720 hours (30 days)

189.00 FAR



2,160 hours (90 days)

89.775 FAR



7,200 hours (240 days)

35.4375 FAR



10,830 hours (361 days)

18.90 FAR


Calculating FAR Rewards

User A’s FAR staking rewards per hour are calculated by:

FAR staked by User ATotal amount of staked FAR×FAR per hourTotalamountofstakedFARFARstakedbyUserA×FARperhour\frac{\text{FAR staked by User A}} {\text{Total amount of staked FAR}} \times \text{FAR per hour}Total amount of staked FARFAR staked by User A​×FAR per hour


  • User A stakes 10,000 FAR during Phase A

  • The total amount of staked FAR is now 1,000,000 FAR

Based on the above, User A would receive:

10,0001,000,000×189=1.89 FAR per hour.1,000,00010,000×189=1.89FARperhour.\frac{10,000}{1,000,000} \times 189 = 1.89 \text{ FAR per hour.}1,000,00010,000​×189=1.89 FAR per hour.

Auto Compounding

Pending rewards are often required to be manually staked by users to increase their share of staked tokens. However this wastes both gas and opportunity cost. As such, FefwandFar has enabled auto-compounding for all users that stake FAR. This means that FAR rewards received from the staked FAR balance are automatically re-staked into the pool (or compounded) to increase the amount of FAR staked.

When users unstake their FAR tokens, the amount of compounded rewards and the original staked amount will be withdrawn to the user’s wallet.

Last updated